Publications: Ross Biological Reserve:Purdue University Skip to main content


Below is a list of publications of scientific research performed at the Ross Biological Reserve.

  1. Vannatta, J.T. and D.J. Minchella. 2021. The influence of parasitism on producers and nutrients in mesocosm ecosystems. Food Webs 28 (2021) e00204.
  2. Freeberg TM, KE Gentry, KE Sieving, JR Lucas. 2019. On understanding the nature and evolution of social cognition: a need for the study of communication. Animal Behaviour 155:279-286 

  3. Gentry KE, D Roche, S Mugel, N Lancaster, KE Sieving, TM Freeberg, JR. Lucas. 2019. Flocking propensity by satellites, but not core members of mixed-species flocks, increases when individuals experience energetic deficits in a poor-quality foraging habitat. PLoS ONE 14(1):e0209680 

  4. Lucas, JR, K Gentry, KE Sieving, TM Freeberg. 2018. Communication as a fundamental part of Machiavellian Intelligence. Journal of Comparative Psychology 132(4):442-454 

  5. Ronald KL, E Fernandez-Juricic, JR Lucas. 2018. Mate choice in the eye and ear of the beholder? Female multimodal sensory configuration influences her preferences. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: 20180713 

  6. Ronald KL, AL Ensminger, MD Shawkey, JR Lucas, E Fernández-Juricic. 2017. Testing a key assumption in animal communication: between-individual variation in female visual systems can alter the perception of male signals. Biology Open 6(12):1771-1783 

  7. Ronald, KL, R Zeng, R Stewart, D White, E Fernandez-Juricic, JR Lucas. 2017. What makes a multimodal signal attractive? A preference function approach. Behavioral Ecology 28:677-687

  8. Ronald KL, T Sesterhenn, E Fernandez-Juricic, JR Lucas. 2017. The sensory substrate of multimodal animal communication: are females sensory ‘specialists’ or ‘generalists’? J Comp Physiol A 203:935-943 

  9. Freeberg, TM, SK Eppert, KE Sieving, JR Lucas. 2017. Diversity in mixed species groups improves problem solving in food finding in a wild songbird community. Scientific Reports 7:43014

  10. Henry KS, MD Gall, A Vélez, JR Lucas. 2016. Avian auditory processing at four different scales: variation among species, seasons, sexes and individuals. In M.A. Bee & C.T. Miller (eds): Psychological Mechanisms in Animal Communication. Springer. Pp 17-55

  11. Velez, A, MD Gall, J Fu, JR Lucas. 2015. Song structure, not high-frequency song content, determines high-frequency auditory sensitivity in nine species of New World sparrows (Passeriformes: Emberizidae). Functional Ecology 29: 487-497.

  12. Velez, A, MD Gall, JR Lucas. 2015. Seasonal plasticity in auditory processing of the envelope and temporal fine structure of sounds in three songbirds. Animal Behaviour 103:53-63.

  13. Lucas JR, A Velez & KS Henry. 2015. Habitat-related differences in auditory processing of complex tones and vocal signal properties in four songbirds. J Comparative Physiology A 201:395-410.

  14. Randolet, J, JR Lucas, E Fernández-Juricic. 2014. Non-redundant social information use in avian flocks with multisensory stimuli. Ethology 120:375-387.

  15. Gall, MD, T Salameh & JR Lucas. 2013. Songbird frequency selectivity and termporal resolution vary with sex and season. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280:20122296.

  16. Moore, B.A, M. Doppler, J.E. Young & E. Fernández-Juricic. 2013. Interspecific differences in the visual system and scanning behavior of three forest passerines that form heterospecific flocks. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199:263-277.

  17. Gall, MD, K Ronald, E Bestrom & JR Lucas. 2012. Effects of habitat and urbanization on the active space of brown-headed cowbird song. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132:4053-4062.

  18. Fernández-Juricic E. Marcella Deisher, Amy C. Stark & Jacquelyn Randolet. 2012. Predator detection is limited in microhabitats with high light intensity: an experiment with brown-headed cowbirds. Ethology 188: 341-350.

  19. Henry, KS & JR Lucas. 2010. Habitat-related differences in auditory filter bandwidth of songbirds. Functional Ecology.

  20. Holland, JD. 2010. Dispersal kernel determines symmetry of spread and geographical range for an insect. International Journal of Ecology, Article ID 167278, 4 pages, doi:10.1155/2009/167278

  21. Gall, MD & JR Lucas. 2010. Sex differences in auditory filters of brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Journal of Comparative Physiology A.

  22. Rizkalla, CR, JE Moore, & RK Swihart. 2009. Modeling patch occupancy: relative performance of ecologically scaled landscape indices. Landscape Ecology 24:77-88.

  23. Nolen, MT & JR Lucas. 2009. Asymmetries in mobbing behaviour and correlated intensity during predator mobbing by nuthatches, chickadees, and titmice. Animal Behaviour 77:1137-1146.

  24. Holland, JD. 2009. Glycobius speciosus (Say) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) has been extirpated from much of Midwestern U.S.A. Coleopterists Bulletin 63: 54

  25. Henry, KS & JR Lucas 2009. Vocally-correlated seasonal auditory variation in the house sparrow, Passer domesticus. Journal of Experimental Biology 212:3817-3822.

  26. Pierce, AR, WR Bromer & KN Rabenold. 2008. Decline of Cornus florida and forest succession in a Quercus–Carya forest. Plant Ecology 195: 45-53.

  27. Lucas, JR & RD Howard. 2008. Modeling alternative mating tactics as dynamic games. In: RF Oliveira, M Taborsky & HJ Brockmann (eds.), Alternative Reproductive Tactics. Cambridge University Press, pp 63-82.

  28. Jannot JE, SA Wissinger, JR Lucas. 2008. Diet and pond-drying alter life history tradeoffs and resource allocation patterns in a caddisfly (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 95: 495-504.

  29. Henry, KS & JR Lucas. 2008. Co-evolution of auditory sensitivity and temporal resolution with acoustic signal space in three songbirds. Animal Behaviour 76:1659-1671.

  30. Rizkalla, CR & RK Swihart. 2007. Explaining movement decisions of forest rodents in fragmented landscapes. Biological Conservation 140:339-348.

  31. Lucas, JR & TM Freeberg. 2007. “Information” and the chick-a-dee call: communicating with a complex vocal system. In: KA Otter (ed.) Ecology and Behaviour of Chickadees and Titmice: an integrated approach. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, pp 199-213.

  32. Lucas JR, TM Freeberg, GR Long & A Krishnan. 2007. Seasonal variation in avian auditory evoked responses to tones: a comparative analysis of Carolina chickadees, tufted titmice, and white-breasted nuthatches. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 193:201-215

  33. Freeberg, TM, MC Baker, LL Bloomfield, I Charrier, DE Gammon, JP Hailman, TT Lee, JR Lucas, DJ Mennill & CB Sturdy. 2007. Complexities in vocal communication. In: KA Otter (ed.) Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice: an integrated approach. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 235-240.

  34. Swihart, RK, JJ Lusk, JE Duchamp, CM Rizkalla, & JE Moore. 2006. The roles of landscape context, niche breadth, and range boundaries in predicting species responses to habitat alteration. Diversity and Distributions. 12:277-287.

  35. Pierce, AR, G Parker & KN Rabenold. 2006. Forest succession in an oak-hickory dominated stand during a 40-year period at the Ross Biological Reserve, Indiana. Natural Areas Journal 26: 351-359.

  36. Lucas JR, TM Freeberg, J Egbert & H Schwabl. 2006. Corticosterone, body mass, and caching rates of Carolina chickadees from disturbed and undisturbed sites. Hormones & Behavior 49:634-643.

  37. Kellam, JS, JR Lucas & JC Wingfield. 2006. The role of testosterone in male downy woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens) in winter home range use, mate interactions, and female foraging behavior. Animal Behaviour 71:695-707.

  38. Holland, JD. 2006. Cerambycidae larval host condition predicts trap efficiency. Environmental Entomology 35: 1648-1653

  39. Moore, JE, & RK Swihart. 2005. Modeling site occupancy by forest rodents: incorporating detectability and spatial autocorrelation with hierarchically structured data. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:933-949.

  40. Garamszegi, LZ & JR Lucas. 2005. Continental variation in relative hippocampal volume in birds: the phylogenetic extent of the effect and the role of wintering temperatures. Biology Letters 1:330-333.

  41. Lucas, JR, A Brodin, SR de Kort & NS Clayton. 2004. Does hippocampal size correlate with the degree of caching specialization? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 271:2423-2429.

  42. Kellam, JS, JC Wingfield & JR Lucas. 2004. Annual cycle of testosterone and non-breeding season pairing behavior in male and female downy woodpeckers. Hormones and Behavior 46:703-714.

  43. Feng, Z, R. Swihart, Y. Yi, & H. Zhu. 2004. Coexistence in a metapopulation model with explicit local dynamics. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 1:131-145.

  44. Clucas, BA, TM Freeberg & JR Lucas. 2004. Chick-a-dee call syntax, social context, and season affect vocal responses of Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 57:187-196.

  45. Swihart, RK, TM Gehring, MB Kolozsvary & TE Nupp. 2003. Responses of "resistant" vertebrates to habitat loss and fragmentation: the importance of niche breadth and range boundaries. Diversity and Distributions 9: 1-18.

  46. Swihart, RK, TC Atwood, JR Goheen, DM Scheiman, KE Munroe & TM Gehring. 2003. Predicting patch occupancy of North American mammals: Is patchiness in the eye of the beholder? Journal of Biogeography 30: 1259-1279.

  47. Gehring, TM & RK Swihart. 2003. Body size, niche breadth, and ecologically scaled responses to habitat fragmentation: mammalian predators in an agricultural landscape. Biological Conservation 109: 283-295.

  48. Freeberg, TM, JR Lucas & B Clucas. 2003. Variation in chick-a-dee calls of a population of Carolina chickadees, Poecile carolinensis: identity and redundancy within note types. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113:2127-2136.

  49. Lucas, JR, TM Freeberg, A Krishnan & GR Long. 2002. A comparative study of avian auditory brainstem responses: correlations with phylogeny and vocal complexity, and seasonal effects. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 188:981-992.

  50. Harris, WE & JR Lucas. 2002. A state-based model of sperm allocation in a group-breeding salamander. Behavioral Ecology 13:705-712.

  51. Freeberg, TM & JR Lucas. 2002. Receivers respond differently to chick-a-dee calls varying in note composition in Carolina Chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). Animal Behaviour 63:837-845.

  52. Pravosudov, VV & JR Lucas. 2001. Daily patterns of energy management in food-caching birds and diurnal predation risk: a dynamic model. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 50:239-250.

  53. Pravosudov, VV & JR Lucas. 2001. A dynamic model of energy management in small foodcaching passerine birds. Behavioral Ecology 12:207-218.

  54. Page, LK, RK Swihart, & KR Kazacos. 2001. The roles of seed preference and foraging by granivores at raccoon latrines in transmission dynamics of raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis). Canadian Journal of Zoology 79: 616-622.

  55. Page, LK, RK Swihart, & KR Kazacos. 2001. Foraging among feces: food availability affects parasitism of Peromyscus leucopus by Baylisascaris procyonis. Journal of Mammalogy 82: 993-1002.

  56. Page, LK, RK Swihart, & KR Kazacos. 2001. Changes in transmission of Baylisascaris procyonis to intermediate hosts as a function of spatial scale. Oikos 93: 213-220.

  57. Nupp, TE, & RK Swihart. 2001. Assessing competition between forest rodents in a fragmented landscape of midwestern USA. Mammalian Biology 66: 345-356.

  58. Mossman, CA & PM Waser. 2001. Effects of habitat fragmentation on population genetic structure in the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 79: 285-295.

  59. Lucas, JR, VV Pravosudov & DL Zielinski. 2001. A re-evaluation of the logic of pilferage effects, predation risk and environmental variability on avian energy regulation: the critical role of time budgets. Behavioral Ecology 12:246-260.

  60. Fauth PT. 2001. Wood Thrush populations are not all sinks in the agricultural mid-western United States Conservation Biology 15 (2): 523-527.

  61. Pravosudov, VV & JR Lucas. 2000. The effect of social dominance on fattening & food-caching behavior in Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). Animal Behaviour 60:483-493.

  62. Pravosudov, VV & JR Lucas. 2000. The costs of being cool: a dynamic model of nocturnal hypothermia by small food-caching birds in winter. Journal of Avian Biology 31:463-472.

  63. Nupp, TE, & RK Swihart. 2000. Landscape-level correlates of small mammal assemblages in forest fragments of farmland. Journal of Mammalogy 81: 512-526.

  64. Ivan, JS & RK Swihart. 2000. Selection of mast by granivorous rodents of the central hardwood forest region. Journal of Mammalogy 81: 549-562.

  65. Fauth, PT. 2000. Reproductive success of wood thrushes in forest fragments of northern Indiana. Auk 117: 194-204.

  66. Fauth PT, EJ Gustafson & KN Rabenold. 2000. Predicting neotropical migrant abundance and reproductive success in a fragmented midwestern landscape. Landscape Ecology 15: 621- 631.

  67. Page, LK, RK Swihart, & KR Kazacos. 1999. Implications of raccoon latrines in the epizootiology of Baylisascaris. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 35: 474-480.

  68. Mossman, CA & PM Waser. 1999. Genetic detection of sex-biased dispersal. Molecular Ecology 8:1063-1067.

  69. Mossman, CA & NP Srivastava. 1999. Does aggression modify isolation of habitat islands? American Midland Naturalist 141:366-372.

  70. Lucas, JR, A Schraeder & C Jackson.1999. Carolina chickadee (Aves, Paridae, Poecile carolinensis) vocalization rates: effects of body mass and food availability under aviary conditions. Ethology 105:503-520.

  71. Kolozsvary, MB & RK Swihart. 1999. Habitat fragmentation and the distribution of amphibians: patch and landscape correlates in farmland. Canadian Journal of Zoology 77: 1288-1299.

  72. Swihart, RK & TE Nupp. 1998. Modeling population responses of North American tree squirrels to agriculturally induced forest fragmentation. Pages 1-19 in Ecology and evolutionary biology of tree squirrels (MA Steele, DA Zegers, and JF Merritt, eds.). Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication Number 6.

  73. Page, LK, RK Swihart, & KR Kazacos. 1998. Raccoon latrine structure and its potential role in parasite transmission to small vertebrates. American Midland Naturalist 140: 180-185.

  74. Nupp, TE, & RK Swihart. 1998. Influence of forest fragmentation on population attributes of white-footed mice and eastern chipmunks. Journal of Mammalogy 79: 1234-1243.

  75. Lucas, JR & DL Zielinski. 1998. Seasonal variation in the effect of cache pilferage on cache and body mass regulation in Carolina chickadees: what are the trade-offs? Behavioral Ecology 9:193-200.

  76. Howard, RD & JR Young. 1998. Individual variation in male vocal traits and female mating preferences in Bufo americanus. Animal Behaviour 55: 1165-1179.

  77. Howard, RD, RS Moorman & HH Whiteman. 1997. Differential effects of mate competition and mate choice on eastern tiger salamanders. Animal Behaviour 53: 1345-1356.

  78. Whiteman, HH, RD Howard, & KA Whitten. 1996. Effects of pH on embryo tolerance and adult behavior in the tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 1529-1537.

  79. Nupp, TE, & RK Swihart. 1996. Effect of forest patch area on population attributes of whitefooted mice (Peromyscus leucopus) in fragmented landscapes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 74: 467-472.

  80. Lucas, JR, RD Howard & JG Palmer. 1996. Callers and satellites: chorus behaviour in anurans as a stochastic dynamic game. Animal Behaviour 51:501-518.

  81. Sheperd, BF & RK Swihart. 1995. Spatial dynamics of fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) in fragmented landscapes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 298-2105.

  82. Lucas, JR & RD Howard. 1995. On alternative reproductive tactics in anurans: dynamic games with density- and frequency-dependence. American Naturalist 146:365-397.

  83. Lucas, JR 1994. Regulation of cache stores and body mass in Carolina chickadees (Parus carolinensis). Behavioral Ecology 5:171-181.

  84. Langen, TA & KN Rabenold. 1994. Dominance and diet selection in juncos. Behavioral Ecology 5: 334-338.

  85. Howard, RD, HH Whiteman & TI Schueller. 1994. Sexual selection in American toads: a test of the good genes hypothesis. Evolution 48:1286-1300.

  86. Lucas, JR, LJ Peterson & RL Boudinier. 1993. The effects of time constraints and changes in body mass and satiation on the simultaneous expression of caching and diet-choice decisions. Animal Behaviour 45: 639-658.

  87. Wissinger, SA. 1992. Niche overlap and the potential for competition and intraguild predation between size-structured populations. Ecology 73: 1431-1444.

  88. Rabenold, KN. 1992. Latitudinal gradients in avian species diversity and the role of longdistance migration. Current Ornithology 10: 247-274.

  89. Lucas, JR & LR Walter. 1991. When should chickadees hoard food? Theory and experimental results. Animal Behaviour 41:579-601.

  90. Lucas, JR 1990. Time-scale and diet choice decisions. In: RN Hughes (ed.) Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection, NATO ASI Series, Subseries G: Ecological Sciences, Springer- Verlag, Heidelberg, pp 165-184.

  91. Keane, B. 1990. The effect of relatedness on reproductive success and mate choice in the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus. Animal Behaviour 39: 264-273.

  92. Keane, B. 1990. Dispersal and inbreeding avoidance in the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus. Animal Behaviour 40: 143-152.

  93. Jaeger, RG & JR Lucas. 1990. On evaluation of foraging strategies through estimates of reproductive success. In: RN Hughes (ed.) Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection. NATO ASI Series, Subseries G: Ecological Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg pp 83-94.

  94. Wissinger, SA. 1989. Seasonal variation in the intensity of competition and predation among pond-dwelling dragonfly larvae. Ecology 70: 1017-1027.

  95. Wissinger, SA. 1989. Comparative population ecology of the dragonflies Libellula lydia and Libellula luctuosa. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67: 931-936.

  96. Wissinger, SA. 1988. Spatial distribution, life history, and estimates of survivorship in a 14- species assemblage of larval dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera). Freshwater Biology 20: 329- 340.

  97. Wissinger, SA. 1988. Effects of food availability on larval development and inter-instar predation among larvae of Libellula lydia and Libellula luctuosa (Odonata: Anisoptera). Canadian Journal Zoology 66: 543-549.

  98. Solomon, BP. 1988. Patterns of pre- and post-fertilization resource allocation within an inflorescence: evidence for interovary competition. American Journal of Botany 75:1074-1079.

  99. Solomon, BP. 1988. Infestation of Solanum carolinense fruit by Frumenta nundinella: are larvae affected by interfruit competition? American Midland Naturalist 119: 7-13.

  100. Rabenold, KN & WR Bromer. 1988. Plant communities as animal habitats: effects of primary resources on the distribution and abundance of animals. In: W Abrahamson (ed.) The Ecology of Plant-Animal Interactions, McGraw-Hill, pp. 291-353.

  101. Lucas, JR & P Schmid-Hempel. 1988. Diet choice in depleting patches: time constraint and state-space solutions. Journal of Theoretical Biology 131:307-332.

  102. Jarosz, AM & M Levy. 1988. Effects of habitat and population structure on powdery mildew epidemics in experimental phlox populations. Phytopathology 78: 358-362.

  103. Howard, RD. 1988. Sexual selection on male body size and mating behaviour in American toads (Bufo americanus). Animal Behaviour 36 (6).

  104. Wiedenmann, RN & KN Rabenold. 1987. The effects of social dominance between two subspecies of Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis). Animal Behaviour 35: 856-864.

  105. Solomon, BP. 1987. The role of male flowers in Solanum carolinense: pollen donors or pollinator attractors? Evolutionary Trends in Plants 1: 89-93.

  106. Levy, M. 1987. Effects of powdery mildew disease on fitness of perennial Phlox in natural environments. American Journal of Botany 74: 633.

  107. Solomon, BP. 1986. Sexual allocation and andromonoecy: resource investment in male and hermaphrodite flowers of Solanum carolinense (Solanaceae). American Journal of Botany 73: 1215-1221.

  108. Solomon, BP. 1985. Environmentally influenced changes in sex expression in an andromonoecious plant. Ecology 66: 1321-1332.

  109. Austad, SN. 1984. Evolution of sperm priority patterns in spiders. In: RL Smith (ed.) Sperm competition and the evolution of animal mating systems, Academic Press, pp. 223-249.

  110. Austad, SN. 1984. A classification of alternative reproductive behaviors and methods for fieldtesting ESS. American Zoologist 24:309-320.

  111. Solomon, BP. 1983. Compensatory production in Solanum carolinense following attack by a host-specific herbivore. Journal of Ecology 71: 681-690.

  112. Solomon, BP. 1983. Autoallelopathy in Solanum carolinense: reversible delayed germination. American Midland Naturalist 110: 412-418.

  113. McCrea, KD & M Levy. 1983. A honeybee’s eye-view of flower color. Bioscience 33:713-714.

  114. McCrea, KD & M Levy. 1983. Photographic visualization of floral colors as perceived by honeybee pollinators. American Journal of Botany 70: 369-375.

  115. Austad, SN. 1983. A game theoretical interpretation of male combat in the bowl and doily spider (Frontinella pyramitela). Animal Behaviour 31:59-73.

  116. Jarosz, AM, M Sheets & M Levy. 1982. Cuticle thickness in Phlox and resistance to powdery mildew: an unreliable line of defense. American Journal of Botany 69: 824-828.

  117. Austad, SN. 1982. First male sperm priority in the bowl and doily spider, Frontinella pyramitela (Walckenaer). Evolution 36:777-785.

  118. Solomon, BP. 1981. Response of a host-specific herbivore to resource density, relative abundance, and phenology. Ecology 62: 1205-1214.

  119. Jarosz, AM & M Levy. 1981. The Phlox-Erysiphe cichoracearum interaction: the demography of host resistance patterns. Bulletin of the Ecology Society of America 62: 149-150.

  120. Solomon, BP. 1980. Frumenta nundinella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae): Life history and induction of host parthenocarpy. Environmental Entomology 9: 821-825.

  121. Dickey, JL & M Levy. 1979. Development of powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni) on susceptible and resistant races of Oenothera biennis. American Journal of Botany 66:1114- 1117.

  122. Von Culin, HJ & AA Lindsey. 1974. Floristic change in the Ross Biological Reserve, 1950- 1971. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy Sof cience 84:216-221.

  123. Lindsey, AA & JO Sawyer, Jr. 1971. Vegetation-climate relationships in the eastern United States. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 80:210-214.

  124. Schmelz, DV & AA Lindsey. 1970. Relationships among the forest types of Indiana. Ecology 51:620-629.

  125. Lindsey, AA & DV Schmelz. 1970. The forest types of Indiana and a new method of classifying Midwestern hardwood forests. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 79:198-204.

  126. Lindsey, AA, DV Schmelz & SA Nichols. 1969. Natural areas in Indiana and their preservation. Indiana Natural Areas Survey, Purdue University. xi + 594 p.

  127. Lindsey, AA. 1968. Role of the individual ecologist in natural area preservation. Bioscience. 18:421-424.

  128. Schmelz, DV & AA Lindsey. 1965. Size-class structure of old-growth forests in Indiana. Forest Science 11:258-264.

  129. Lindsey, AA, WB Crankshaw & SA Qadir. 1965. Soil relations and distribution map of the vegetation of presettlement Indiana. Botanical Gazette 126:155-163.

  130. Crankshaw, WB, SA Qadir, & AA Lindsey. 1965. Edaphic controls of tree species in presettlement Indiana. Ecology 46:688-698.

  131. Sawyer, JO & AA Lindsey. 1964. The Bio-climatic Formations of the eastern and central United States. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 73:105-112.

  132. Gasdorf, EC & CJ Goodnight.1963. Studies on the ecology of soil arachnids. Ecology 44: 261- 268.

  133. DeLanglade, RA, and AA Lindsey. 1962. A decade of oldfield succession in an Indiana biological reserve. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 71:285-291.

  134. Lindsey, AA, RO Petty, DK Sterling & W Van Asdall. 1961. Vegetation and environment along the Wabash and Tippecanoe Rivers. Ecological Monographs 31:105-156.

  135. Lindsey, AA. 1961. Vegetation of the drainage-aeration classes of northern Indiana soils in 1830. Ecology 42:432-436.

  136. Lindsey, AA, JD Barton & SR Miles. 1958. Field efficiencies of forest sampling methods. Ecology 39:428-444.

  137. Bush, KH & AA Lindsey. 1950. The outdoor laboratory idea. Turtox News 28:3 pp.